Friday 16 September 2011

Beeton's Complete Letter Writer for Ladies and Gentlemen

Here's a treat for the weekend. A wonderful old book, with sample letters for every occasion. Or to put it in their own words... 
The examples really are very specific. Take these two negative answers to a proposal - one for a maid servant - 
 and one to refuse an offer from a missionary...
Even more delicate situations in affairs of the heart are also tackled, such as having to write A Letter of Expostulation -
Business letters are also covered, such as applying for this desirable position -
Social letters are unfailingly cheerful -
And there are loving words of advice for a father to send to his son -
If space allowed, I could go on with more gems, such as
- Reminding a Lady of a former Intimacy and inviting her to pay a Visit
- Inviting a Lady to to visit under painful Circumstances
- From a Maid servant answering a cool Letter from her Lover
- Reproaching a Consignee for Sacrificing Goods
- Containing a Matrimonial Proposal from a Gentleman almost a Stranger, etc.

Wonderful stuff!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful book -- the letters seem to be genuine examples, don't they? With real people's names attached to them. Fascinating.
