Tuesday 6 September 2011

Roy Jenkins China Thimble

Yes! That is what I said - a Roy Jenkins china thimble. No, I have no way of explaining it either.

On one side is a picture of Roy Jenkins, and on the other side are the results of the Warrington by-election in 1981, the first time an SDP candidate stood as a candidate. They came second.

I am not denigrating the achievements of the SDP (and let's not forget the Liberal Alliance, either), but is this really the sort of thing we want to see on a commemorative china thimble?

(And they came second. Number Two. Second banana. Runner-up. Close, but no cigar. Second fiddle. Silver medal. In second place.)


  1. Sorry, but that is just FANTASTIC. How do such things come to be in the world? Thankyou for that.
