Friday 14 October 2011

Fun With Junk

God, I love this book. It's a masterpiece, a work of genius. An insane journey into the murky underbelly of crafting. This is what happens 'When Craft Goes Bad'!
Please do click on the photos to see them in their full glory.

The unusually talented Sawako Goda manages to take some quite ordinary pieces of glassware and china, and with just the addition of wire, beads and wax, she turns them into things beyond imagining.
 Her innovative interpretations of Benjamin Franklin (above) and Madame de Pompadour (below).
 This one, naturally, is called 'Pasiphae and the Bull'.
Can anyone fail to be moved by the haunting 'Pomeranian with Water Wings'?
'Best in Show' captures canine beauty in all its glory.
And last but not least, the imperturbable features of 'Stony-face'.

I could show you every page of this wonderful book, but I don't want to overwhelm you with riches. Maybe I'll show you part two another day. It was published in 1966, and, as the jacket blurb says, 'Here is a book which falls into none of the usual categories'. How very true.