Friday 4 November 2011

Bright and Beautiful?

Another mildly baffling piece of religious kitsch, picked up in a religious shop in Rome. It's a plastic rosary, yes, but better than that, it's a glow-in-the-dark plastic rosary.
Better still, it's a giant-sized glow-in-the-dark plastic rosary.
(It's also the hardest thing in the world to photograph and our garden bench was the best thing I could find to show the scale.)


  1. Whenever I see toot, sorry, class items such as this on sale anywhere I am totally bemused. Who on earth would buy anything like this ? Now I know.......

    Brilliant. Another amusing posting. x x

  2. As a child someone bought me a glow-in-the-dark shrine of the Virgin Mary - it scared me to death...
