Friday 16 December 2011

Postcard Friday - A Time for Children

Christmas is a time for the children, isn't it? These two are so overwhelmed by happiness and excitement, they can hardly raise a smile. I imagine if he keeps making a noise with that plastic clarinet (??), she'll hit him over the head with that too-solid-looking tiger.
 If you look closely, you'll see that's actually a birthday present in the card above (with some cute wrapping paper of ducks with umbrellas). However, the giving of presents with the whole family in nightwear just looks like Christmas to me, so I'm including it anyway. The father puts me in mind of Victor Mature. He looks very suave in his dressing gown, and I like the fact that he's gone to the trouble of putting a towel like a scarf around his neck. Very proper.
Crikey! Look at those eyes! And the mouth! Under her calm exterior, this little girl is a seething inferno of resentment, waiting and plotting for the time when she can take her revenge on the world.
(Cue the theme from 'The Omen'.)
Yes, Raggedy Ann, you can smile now, but just you wait...

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