Wednesday 25 January 2012

Doll Lamps

Sometimes, you see something in an online shop that just sings out to you. Something which you know you are destined to own. That's how I felt about this slim volume dedicated to the arcane craft of making doll lamps. I had to wait impatiently for it to be sent from the States, but now it is mine, and all is right with the world.

Look at the hairdo on that Southern Belle! It is a thing of majesty. Imagine having such a lamp in your own home! I tremble at the thought...
 Oh dear God, I can feel my coulrophobia coming on again...
I mean, who would really want these? Where? Why? They defy rational explanation. That granny doll is SO creepy. No wonder the other kids are praying.
But most of all, I feel sorry for this Boy Scout who is so scared of grizzly bears, he has to sleep with his eyes open. 'Must... stay... get.. my...merit.. badge.'


  1. SUPERB!! Now, surely, this lays down a challenge to you to make one?

  2. I await your doll lamps at the V&H with great anticipation!! ;-)

  3. Oh wow, I totally want that last one. It's insane.
