Tuesday 10 January 2012

Dolly Bubbles

Did you get any bath products for Christmas? I believe it is compulsory for all women to receive at least one gift of bath stuff from their loved ones at Christmas. I'm not complaining - I like it, especially if it's good stuff. 

However, I'm not sure if anyone would have welcomed a bottle of 'Dolly Liquid Bubble Bath' as a gift. I would have liked to have seen the actual liquid - I'm imagining some sort of lurid pink stuff. I have a vague memory of some very, very pink bubble bath when I was little - and some bright blue stuff too. That's taking me back...

Well, whatever the product was like, it was a genius idea in my book to stick a plastic dolly head on top of the bottle. And then to make her a sophisticated fur collar from some dyed sheepskin. She's a fancy gal...


  1. It's a very strange world that has this in it, isnt it?

  2. I used to get these every Christmas when I was a little kid, except the bottle of bubble bath was plastic instead of glass. I used to love them and had completely forgotten about them until your post so thank you x
