Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy New Year

Today, I bring you New Year greetings from around the continent.
Was there ever a time when people really thought that a photo of a brightly lit still life was a cool thing to have on a card? This certainly was not the case in the early 1980s, when a Polish pen friend sent me this postcard. (I acquired said penfriend inadvertantly, when a friend of mine secretly sent my photo and address to the 'Find a Friend' feature in Blue Jeans magazine, as a student jape. How it got to Poland, I can't remember, but I was sufficiently intrigued to exchange a few letters.)
The card above is from Turkey. As a predominantly Muslim country, I have no idea how all the Christmas decorations fit in to their New Year celebrations.

The card below was printed in Italy, where they like to lean their clocks nonchalantly against the pine-clad wall, unshoe their horses, and celebrate with a glass or two of something bubbly.
Happy New Year!


  1. Very very happy New Year to you too.

  2. Happy New Year, I have really enjoyed your postings in 2011 and look forward to more wierd and wonderful things in 2012.

  3. Don't they know that those horseshoes aren't lucky? They have to be the other way around to hold the luck in - that way around & all the luck falls out!
