Wednesday 29 February 2012

Bottle Dolls

Dolls in bottles. Why?

I was tempted to leave it there, but I was afraid you might feel short-changed, so I will try to expand on this mysterious subject. I think the whole bottle thing may have been started by the 1960s dolls called 'Liddle Kiddles'. As you might guess, these dolls portrayed kiddles, who were very liddle, sorry, little. In the range, there were 'Kiddle Kolognes', who came in garish plastic perfume bottles, and a liddle later, there were 'Kola Kiddles'

These cheap knock-offs I acquired, bear a remarkable resemblance to the Kola Kiddles. But these dolls have an added feature - they are 'Multi-Purpose'! Yes, the bottle can be used to hold coins! Wow!
And, if the picture on the shop card is to be believed, they might also be used to launch liddle dollies into space...


  1. I remember these well. I love being reminded of all the kitschy things I as had as a child, thanks.
    Do you remember Flatsie Dolls? They were my very favourite dollies for a long time. Would love a post on them if you ever run out of subject matter...

  2. How wonderful to have the card and everything.
