Wednesday 22 February 2012

Gonks and Glooks

 Do you remember gonks? If you were young in the 1960s or 1970s you probably had some sort of gonk. There was nearly always a gonk on the contestants' desks on University Challenge (or was it Top of the Form?).  I remember the one I had very distinctly. It had pink fur, orange eyes and black feet made out of a sort of plastic-coated wire.

It was a pretty good marketing idea - stick googly eyes on some fake fur and sell it as a toy. These two are even cheaper - with feet and faces made of cardboard.
These ones with 'beaks' are reminiscent of  Tivvy, the TV Times mascot, who in turn is reminiscent of a Finnish Fauni troll. I bet you didn't know there were so many varieties.

In a mood of vigorous enquiry, I decided to throroughly investigate the origin of gonks. Well, I googled it, anyway. Turns out that, officially, these are not Gonks at all, but Glooks. Gonks were a different sort of toy, like Humpty Dumpty with a Beatle cut. And, rather marvellously, there was a film called 'Gonks Go Beat' made in 1965.

You can even buy it on Amazon. I'm a little bit tempted now...


  1. Ahhh Gonks! I knew the word but it wasn't until I read your post that I remembered what they were. I had a Gonk (suppose I should say Glook) it was hot pink and my sister had a fluro lime green one.
    Thanks for the memories x

  2. I need a gonk or glook for my lovebird to make love to!
    We had one--little puffy thing, googly eyes, antennas off the top, with sticky feet--and our bird, Randolph, well, loved it. to pieces. Do you know where i can find a Gonk? He's turning ten and I want to get him a lover. yes, this all sounds weird to me too, but it is also the truth. The things that become your life.

  3. A blast from the past! Brought back memories. My mum used to sew up 'Glooks' and I used to take them to school and sell them for half a crown. Quite a little enterprise for a short time.
    Happy memories ;0)

  4. My Mum used to make them as a home job and we had the job of brushing them before they were boxed

  5. Thanks @MsShadow1959 ! Sounds like child labour? :)
