Tuesday 7 February 2012

How Collections Start

Thank you for accompanying me on another trip along the forgotten byways of kitsch ornamentation and curious home decor. As we meander down this less-travelled road, we find that the unexpected often turns into the familiar.

Just a few short years ago, I had never seen a plate with a furry 3-D animal in it, mounted behind convex glass. When I found the kitty plate above, I have to admit, I hesitated. Was it good kitsch or just bad weirdness? You see, dear reader, even I sometimes find it hard to tell. And there just isn't room for everything.

I bought it, more for its novelty value than for its beauty. (What do you mean, you thought that was why I bought all my stuff??) Anyhow, it must have grown on me, because when I found Mr Bunny, I didn't hesitate at all...


  1. These are I N S A N E !! I've never seen such a thing before and am now i-n-s-a-n-e-l-y jealous

  2. Hello your curiousness, I just found you through boboho's blog. It will be fun seeing those odd objects!
    Give me a visit at thriftshopcommando.blogspot.com

  3. These are now imprinted in my head forever.......... GLORIOUS!

  4. I also own one I bought it at a thrift store it's a cat

  5. I found one of these in a charity shop in Lincolnshire last year and already have 4!!! All cats though, I didn't know there were bunnies too! My OH hates them with a passion but why should I let that stop me? *Disappears down internet rabbit hole looking for bunny plates*

  6. I salute your excellent taste, Locally Green!
