Tuesday 14 February 2012

Las Vegas Recipe for Love

I thought I'd share a couple of romantic objects for Valentine's Day. As some of you know, Mr Kitsch and I got married in a drive-thru in Las Vegas. We always used to say that the only way we'd get married was by an Elvis lookalike in Vegas. So when we went on holiday to Vegas, we thought, hey, why not? Sadly, we couldn't get the Elvis lookalike, but looking through the yellow pages, found an all-in deal for a drive-thru wedding, which included a stretch limo, and photos. It also included a single red rose for the bride, and a lacy garter. Good enough!

As you can see in the top photo, as well as the 'something blue' garter (elegantly branded with 'The Little White Wedding Chapel'), we also got a very tasteful padded folder for the wedding certificate, and 'Charlotte's Love Recipe', which I will share with you now. I have not the faintest idea who Charlotte is, by the way, but I imagine her reading this recipe in a down-home Southern accent, y'all.

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Happy Valentines! Do you have the UK measurements for the recipe? I think it would involve 12 years sat on the sofa watching soap operas, and a handful of rude nicknames.
