Thursday 22 March 2012

The Glass Menagerie

I suppose at some point, someone, somewhere has made a really lovely glass animal, but I'm blessed if I've ever seen one. Instead, I've found a parade of weird misshapen little effigies with eyes that protrude in a most disturbing manner. Just look at these 'cute' deer. And what's with the chains? There was a phase for attaching animal ornaments together with chains - deer, poodles, horses, you name it.

These other creatures are no better - freakish boneless limbs, eyes on stalks, stumps instead of wings. Quite frankly, the only saving grace of glass animals is that they break easily...


  1. You have made me roar with laughter.... its the "eyes on stalks" thing you see...........

  2. That gimp deer threesome thing is absolutely terrifying!
