Monday 12 March 2012

Not Chopsticks

When I went to New York, several years ago, I was more than a little excited to visit Chinatown. Can you imagine? A trip to the local Chinese supermarket in Bristol has me skipping like a child, so a whole NY district full of the most amazing shops was enough to give me heart palpitations! If I'd had the money, I would have bought SO MUCH STUFF. As it was, I had to limit myself to the portable and affordable.
So, in the window of one shop I see these rather cute little sticks with funny figures on the top. They appeal to me, and they are very cheap. I go in and ask
'Please could I have a pack of those... um? Stick... things? And please could you tell me what they are?'
The assistant is evidently amused that I have no idea what they are, and tells me they are for your ears.
'For your ears?'
She gestures, to make it clear to the British idiot.
'They're ear cleaners? Ohhhh....'
The assistant naturally assumes that I no longer want them.
'Oh no, I'll take them, anyway!'
So I find myself the owner of a pack of cutely ornamental Chinese ear cleaners, with a scary-looking hooked scraper on one stick, and a very soft, fluffy piece of down on the other.
And since you ask -no, I have never been tempted to use them.

1 comment:

  1. Another one here who gets excited about Chinese supermarkets......... love 'em. Fascinated by these little beauties Elaine!
