Wednesday 25 April 2012

Curious Creatures from a Curious Friend

 Is it Wednesday again already? Time for a curious offering from another lovely blog-friend. These superbly odd creatures belong to Cathy from Menopausal Musing. Or, to be more acurate, they belong to her husband. "He always refers to them as "cats", but I think they are bunnies!"she tells me.
Hmmm... Cat or bunny? Or scary donkey-girafffe hybrid? Seriously, I have NO idea of what these animals are really meant to be. Anyone else got a clue?

Oh well, it doesn't really matter, as whatever they are, they are wonderfully jolly, playing their instruments and having a grand old sing-song!

1 comment:

  1. boy oh boy oh boy -- those are wonderfully freakalicious
