Monday 2 April 2012

Jolly Boating Weather

As you may have guessed, I am pretty much addicted to Ebay. I could spend hundreds of hours and thousands of pounds on there. It probably has been that much over the years. And although I often try to cut down, I find such wonderful things that I know I can't. Take these little beauties. Japanese pencil sharpeners in the shape of animals driving motor boats. How flipping brilliant is that??

Look at their crazed expressions! Look at the mad red eyes of the bunny, the chicken holding the steering wheel in its wings, the pink ...chick thing, and the other animal that could be anything, but I'll guess at a cat or a bear. I feel happy just looking at them...

Don't forget that I want to share your love of the weird, the kitsch and anything curious, and have asked you to send me your photo (details here). Please send me a photo by the end of next Monday 9th April to be entered for a mystery prize, which will be something nice and not at all weird (unless requested!).

1 comment:

  1. I agree, no one could turn away from eBay when these beauties live there.
