Thursday 12 April 2012

Round and Beautiful

If, like me, you've been overdoing the Cadbury's Mini Eggs this week, you may be thinking about losing weight again. And I like the sound of the 'revolutionary bath treatment' with 'no exercises, no rigorous dieting' and 'nothing to take internally'.

On the other hand, you may be worrying about 'unsightly bones'. Apparently no-one paid much attention to this woman until she put on a stone or so, and 'Valitone Bonbons' helped her to become 'the Queen of the party'. 'By eating these tasty bonbons after meals, the body weight can be increased within a few weeks from 10-30 pounds.' I find Cadbury's Mini Eggs have a very similar effect...


  1. I think I've been overdoing the Valitone Bonbons and am now punishing myself with disgusting cottage cheese for lunch. I NEED that bath.

  2. I wonder what you get in the post for the first advert? Sulphuric acid?... "Guaranteed to dissolve away the pounds".........
