Tuesday 12 June 2012

Buyer's Remorse

Sometimes, I think my appetite for curious objects takes me a bit too far.  Like these objects. Sigh.

I bought these from Ebay, mainly just because I thought they were very weird, and I wanted to see what they looked like in real life. Answer - they look hideous.

As if they weren't creepy enough with their pixie faces, skinny legs and long pointed feet, the one on the left has lost his sash and his golden robe falls open like a mystical flasher. Thankfully he has no genitals, but instead he is wielding a weird musical instrument, so the whole thing is still very unsettling.

What the heck are those costumes all about, anyway? Looking at them again, they make me think of members of a very badly-styled glam rock band. (I'm thinking of you now, Dave Hill from Slade...)

They're about 9 inches tall, and therefore too big to keep as humorous mascots or whimsical knick-knacks. Made of plastic, they're too light to use as bookends, and they're way too ugly to sell. All I can hope is that one day, I'll open my Museum of Strangeness, and I'll be glad I got them.


  1. I love the way, in your photo, the loose robe still tantalisingly hides the chap's modesty. But sure there's no such thing as 'too ugly to sell'? If you bought them, surely someone else....? On the great ocean of eBay someone would rescue them, no? They make a very good post, though.

  2. Mystical Flasher - heehee. What on earth were they listed as that you found them in the first place?

  3. Ah.........Lakota has beaten me to it with my question.........

    (When I saw the little piccie in my dashboard I thought you had some sort of cuckoo clock where the little man and woman come out on the hour).

  4. Thanks all! Not sure what I was searching for. Probably something ordinary like 'vintage kitsch'? That's often a rich seam of weird stuff.

  5. To me they have some kind of middle eastern/north african vibe about them- vintage tourist tat?

  6. I look forward to visiting the museum of strangeness.
