Friday 29 June 2012

Friday Postcard - Mr Cool

Oh yeah, he's cool alright. Just call him Mister Freeeeze, chillaxing in his white suit, writing... what? Poetry? A love letter? His shopping list?

What on earth is this old postcard about? I mean, why would anyone...? Why is he...? Just WHY?

And to be totally honest, that does not look like the comfiest couch.  Nor the most practical lamp. And as soon he stands up, he's going to kick over that badly-placed plant, and there'll be John Innes No. 3 all over his carpet.


  1. Hahahahahahaha - ooh that made me laugh alot!Yes, just WHAT is that postcard all about? Does it have any writing on the back - was it actually posted to someone?

  2. i sort of love the lamp. don't tell anyone.
